for couples

  • Do you lack caring touch and affection?

  • Do you feel stressed and need a safe place just to let things off your chest?

  • Do you need emotional support from a woman?

Cuddling is one of THE BEST ways to experience love, touch, safety, and nurturing. It can offer a quick rush of endorphins, or feel-good hormones, that will leave you floating on cloud 9 for hours. Cuddling helps to calm the nervous system and can aid in regulation for people struggling with PTSD, anxiety, work/family stress, or grief.  Here is a great article on the benefits of cuddling.

Our cuddling experience will last 90 minutes. Before the session, I will get to know you and your needs to tailor the experience to them.

who is this for?

  • Respectful men with a baseline of emotional maturity and self-control.

  • Men who are touch-deprived.

  • Men who haven’t responded well to traditional therapy and want a place to vent.

  • Men looking for a safe place to let go, whether a good cry or basic emotional regulation.

  • Men who want to experience what emotional support from a woman feels like.

what to expect:

  • Deep breathing

  • offloading (getting things off your chest verbally)

  • Lying in my arms to feel nurtured and relieve stress.

  • Soft music

  • Calming scents

  • Conversation

  • Emotional support

how it works:

(1) 90 min session $250

  • Please bring comfy clothes to change into. There will be a private place for you to do so. At a minimum, you must wear shorts and a shirt. Boxers do not count as shorts.

  • We will begin with a hug and “get to know you” conversation

  • I value consent, so if you aren’t sure if something is ok, please ask, and I will do the same. Otherwise, please openly communicate your needs during the session, and we will go with the flow.

  • This is not a long-term solution. My policy is to cuddle the same person for up to three (3) sessions before discussing coaching options or terminating the professional relationship. I do make exceptions based on age and ability.

  • TBA


I am not a licensed therapist, counselor, or mental health professional. As a sex and relationship coach, I am not providing mental health services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue.

The information provided on and its social media is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional mental/emotional/sexual health diagnoses or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting anything new. My Resources and News page lists crisis and non-crisis resources.

Do not disregard medical/mental health advice or delay seeking medical/mental advice because of information you read on or their social media. Do not start or stop any medications or treatment plans without speaking to your medical or mental health provider.

Pursue Your Wild will never share your information or personal details without your consent and permission.

Pursue Your Wild and those operating within do not and shall not discriminate based on race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.